Watch Your Fantasy Football Games in Real-Time!
DataForce lets you watch all your fantasy football games at once, with live scoring, whether they are hosted on MyFantasyLeague or DataForce. Color-coding keeps you informed of which games have begun, which haven't, and which are over. Players on teams in the redzone will be highlighted in red. Recent activity will momentarily blink in green, so that you can immediately see changes.
If Your League Is Hosted on MyFantasyLeague
A copy of your MFL league is stored in the DataForce database. However, player moves at MyFantasyLeague are not immediately reflected in the DataForce. Our servers poll MyFantasyLeague and update our database twice daily.
Therefore, if you have games on MFL, we recommend you update your leagues just after each game starts to make sure you have the most recent updates to both your starters and your opponent's. Look for the "click here" text near the top of the page.
Watch All Your Fantasy Games Simultaneously
Our game display gives you a couple tools to let you watch many games at the same time:
- Be sure the drop-down at the top shows "All My Teams" rather than just displaying one league.
- Close the bench players if you want, clicking on the Close button, to condense your displays.
- Widen your page to the full screen display, so as many games will fit side-by-side as possible.
- Finally, many browsers will let you zoom in or zoom out with the ctrl/- and ctrl/+ keystrokes (that's control-minus, control-plus) to size your display perfectly.
What If There Is an Error in Scoring?
As good as the stats feed we have is, this does occasionally happen. But don't worry, if you see something wrong it's likely to correct itself during the day, and failing that, it'll likely correct itself as we do a final audit each evening there are games.
Stats are final after the Monday Night audit.
When Gameday Is Over
If the weekend is over and you want to revisit your scores, you may have to look on the Games Played page. There, you can select any week in the past, including the one just finished.
Fetch MyFantasyLeague Rosters
Week -4

Game has not started. | |
Game in progress | |
Recent activity for this player. | |
Team is in redzone. | |
Game is finished, or bye week. |